Veganism is an ancient concept that dates back thousands of years and has roots all over Asia including India, as well as Africa and the Americas. Not only did it start off as an indigenous concept (even to the point where many indigenous groups use phrases like “Decolonize your diet/lifestyle/food” because the introduction of animal products often came from colonizers) but many indigenous people and POC of today are vegan. In fact even in the USA, black people are more likely to be vegan than anyone else. There are also many poor vegans and plant based dieters (especially because plant foods are cheaper than animal bodies so they are easier to afford), as well as many people who go vegan while having all sorts of food allergies or other disabilities. Despite all of this, the main vegan groups to get erased are those who are BIPOC, poor, or have food allergies and disabilities. Here are some organizations and resources for some of these groups.

A special shout-out goes to the playlist of videos on The History of Veganism by Bite Size Vegan for uncovering the ancient history of veganism that spreads across multiple continents, and also to Vox for making this video that discusses how the US government and the dairy industry worked together to heavily push dairy onto the American public through subsidies and ad campaigns.

Native/Indigenous North and South American Vegans

That Native Vegan: Why I Am Vegan

Canuck: Native Americans and Vegetarianism Part 1

Canuck: Native Americans and Vegetarianism Part 2

International Vegetarian Union: Native Americans and Vegetarianism


Portland Press Herald: Vegan Kitchen: Americans have been enjoying nut milk and nut butter for at least 4 centuries

PETA: 7 Vegan Indigenous Creators You Should Be Following

Food Empowerment Project’s Got Colonization: Colonization

Food Empowerment Project: Colonization, Food, and the Practice of Eating

Live Kindly: Indigenous Culture Has Strong Ties With Veganism, Says Mi’kmaw Scholar

The Canadian Journal of Native Studies: Veganism and Mi'kmaq legends by Margaret Robinson

Veggie Mijas

Veggie Mijas: Resources (this includes books by and for BIPOC vegans)

HipLatina: Meet Amy Quichiz, the Vegan Latina Reclaiming Veganism for People of Color

HipLatina: How One Vegan Chef Uses Indigenous Ingredients to Decolonize Mexican Food

HipLatina: Decolonizing Foods: This Is How Latinas Are Reclaiming Their Ancestral Diets

HipLatina: Heathy Hyna Is Bringing Veganism To The Hood

Novant Health: Why some Latinos are (re)turning to plant-based diets

NPR: Carne Asada, Hold The Meat: Why Latinos Are Embracing Vegan-Mexican Cuisine

Vegconomist: 20% of Mexicans are Vegetarian or Vegan

Vegconomist: Latin America: The Next Plant-Based Frontier?

Sentient Media: Dairy in the Americas: How Colonialism Left Its Mark on the Continent

Sentient Media: The Fascinating Plant-based History of the Diné People

Sentient Media: Veganism Is Not Anti-Indigenous

VegNews: The Rise of Veganism in the Latinx Community

VegNews: This Chef Is Trying to Open a vegan Bakery and Latinx Social Justice Cafe in Seattle

VegNews: 29 Latinx Vegan Instagrammers to Follow ASAP

Mercy For Animals: 16 Latinx Vegan and Vegetarian Celebrities Making a Difference for Animals and the Earth

Hungry for History podcast with Eva Longoria and Maite Gomez-Rejón: Decolonizing our Diet with Claudia Serrato

Organization of American Historians: Latinx Veganisms

Navajo Traditional Teachings: Native American (Navajo) Sacred Plants… Corn Beans Squash and…

Los Angeles Times: Mexi-Vegan cooking is mainstream in Southern California. And it’s only getting bigger

Book: Decolonize Your Diet: Plant-Based Mexican-American Recipes for Health and Healing

Does Being a VEGAN Make Me Less LATINO? | The Kat Call S3 - mitu

Other groups
Some resources for people who've been told they "can't go vegan" <<This Tumblr post by Soycrates gives resources for and examples of the types of vegans who constantly get erased.

Book: Beasts of Burden: Animal and Disability Liberation